Global Warming Hype
Beware of your local public school...Keep an eye out.Climate-cult con is hard to 'bear'
New York Post
When did global warming turn into a forced religion?
My daughter came home from school recently with a spring in her step and a song on her lips. With no foreshadowing -- or time to call an exorcist -- out came this chilling refrain:
" . . . You can hear the warning -- GLOBAL WARMING . . . "
By the time her father and I removed our jaws from the floor, we had learned that:
A) All the kids had been coerced into singing this catchy ditty, which we called "The Warming Song," at a concert for parents.
B) Further song lyrics scolded selfish adults (that would be us) for polluting our planet and causing a warming scourge that would, in no short order, kill all the polar bears and threaten the birds and bees.
C) There was no deprogramming session on the menu. And no arguing allowed.

You have hit the nail on the head: "Beware of your local public school...Keep an eye out." When will parents and citizens realize that public schools are not educating, but rather indoctrinating? Kids graduate from high school incapable of logical thinking or clear expression and absent of knowledge. True, they can turn to the internet for "facts" that they are unable to mold into reason. There needs to be a swelling of opinion and a popular movement to demand charter schools and school vouchers. The failure of public schools becomes especially acute in urban districts where children are required by law to attend schools that are physically unsafe as well as mentally draining.
Okay, so now what is your next move?