Anti-Marriage America
Did you know that 70% of unmarried women voted for Obama in 2008? The health care bill plans to reward this group for their devotion.Here is the cost in the House bill for an unmarried couple who each earn $25,000 a year (total: $50,000). When they both buy health insurance (which will be mandatory), the combined premiums they pay will be capped at $3,076 a year.
But if the couple gets married and has the same combined income of $50,000, they will pay annual premiums up to a cap of $5,160 a year. That means they have to fork over a marriage penalty of $2,084.
Even though all evidence shows that marriage is the best remedy for poverty, lack of health care, domestic violence, child abuse, and school dropouts, federal welfare programs continue to discriminate against marriage and instead give taxpayer handouts to those who reject marriage. It's no wonder illegitimate birthrates are soaring and unmarried mothers now give birth to 4 out of every 10 babies born in the United States. Prior to 1970, most unmarried mothers were teenagers, but by 2007 women in their 20s had 60 percent of all babies born out of wedlock, and women over age 30 had another 17 percent.
I remember the outrage from the Left when Ann Coulter told the truth about single motherhood in Guilty. People were horrified that anyone would say anything negative about single, working mothers. Once again sensitive issues -- in the name of "tolerance" -- remain unexamined since examining them might offend someone.
No problem can be resolved if we can't face it head on. Marriage in America is definitely under attack -- and it's going to take a lot of offending if we're ever going to fix it.

Dubious. I'm interested in finding out where you read that domestic violence, child abuse, and the dropout rates are remedied somehow by marriage, so I can read it for myself. Your statement raises several questions in my mind.
Three of the many great sources for this subject include: The Case for Marriage, by Linda Waite and Maggie Gallagher; Guilty (the chapter on single mothers), by Ann Coulter, and IMAPP, the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy.