Happy New Year!
Hello Everyone! Hope you had a great holiday. I, for one, am glad it's over. Generally speaking, I don't do well with a lot of downtime -- though I'm a big proponent of it in theory -- so after several weeks of eating, drinking, and general lazying about, I've had it. Give me a routine and I'm happy.First order of business: why, media bias of course. I read this over the break and thought it was appropriate given my recent "review" of Going Rogue. This is an example of what bias looks like for the average American consumer:
From Stanley Fish of The New York Times:
When I walked into the Strand Bookstore in Manhattan last week, I headed straight for the bright young thing who wore an “Ask Me” button, and asked her to point me to the section of the store where I might find Sarah Palin’s memoir, “Going Rogue: An American Life.” She looked at me as if I had requested a copy of “Mein Kampf” signed in blood by the author, and directed me to the nearest Barnes and Noble, where, presumably, readers of dubious taste and sensibility could find what they wanted.
You didn't think bookstores were unbiased and/or professional, did you?

...nor are reviewers from the NYT who write from the awkward position of looking down their noses.