The Insidiousness of Media Bias

Here's an example of how insidious media bias is:

Yesterday morning I was at the YMCA, and I watched a Today show clip of the woman who's about to give birth to another woman's baby due to an embryo "mix up." During the interview the reporter asks the mother how she made the decision to have the baby after she found out another woman's baby was planted inside her.

"Mrs. Savage, I know you're very religious and so terminating this pregnancy wasn't an option for you..." -- blah, blah, blah.

The reporter at NBC had to get the religious comment in there b/c adding this caveat suggests it's "normal" to be tolerant of religious people who are against abortion. After all, their religious views demand it of them. They know not what they think.

People who are opposed to abortion personally -- not for religious reasons but because they think -- oh, I don't know, that it's just plain wrong and should thus be minimized at all costs -- are not considered normal. The media has no tolerance for these folks b/c, to them, women's "rights" trump all else.

In other words, implicit in the exchange yesterday is that it's okay for religious people to have a problem with abortion. They can't think for themselves and have to follow orders. But "regular people" (keep in mind that over 90% of Americans consider themselves religious) who aren't governed by religion are enlightened folks who understand that women's rights include the right to end a pregnancy whenever they see fit to do so.

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